Fermented, probiotic-rich foods are key to a flat belly and glowing skin, shares Elle magazine. But “Biofermentation is the next wave in the beauty industry,” adds the founder and CEO of Orveda. Fermented skincare products blend bacteria with fermented botanicals to work with the skin’s natural microflora. The magazine concludes: “a clean, calm gut will ensure your skin is lit from within and a fermented-rich routine will guarantee the glow won’t go.”

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Small food businesses, pay attention to these critical errors. Forbes shares the biggest mistakes small-business owners make: putting your passionate work ahead of the boring business details, avoiding marketing, not accepting credit cards and doing everything yourself.

Read more (Forbes) (Photo: Foodies Feed)

The fermented foods & drinks market will grow 7% by 2022, driven by the health benefits of fermented products

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